In the business of document scanning and data extraction, efficiency and accuracy are paramount. That’s why MadWhack, the cutting-edge document processing software from PACE, continues to innovate with features designed to streamline workflows and enhance productivity. One such feature is the SME (Subject Matter Expert) Queue, a powerful tool that ensures users can quickly get the expert assistance they need to keep their projects on track.

What is the SME Queue?

The SME Queue is an essential feature in MadWhack that allows users to send any package or batch they are working on to a designated Subject Matter Expert (SME) for review. This is particularly useful when users encounter a question about a project or something that doesn’t seem quite right. Instead of wasting time trying to troubleshoot the issue themselves or waiting in a long line for support, users can direct their concerns to an SME who has the specialized knowledge to provide accurate and timely assistance.

How Does the SME Queue Work?

The SME Queue is designed with simplicity and efficiency in mind. Here’s how it works:

  1. Identify the Issue: When a user encounters a question or problem with a project, they can easily mark the package for SME review.
  2. Send to SME Queue: The user sends the package to the SME Queue through MadWhack’s intuitive interface. This action notifies the designated SME that their expertise is needed.
  3. SME Review: The SME receives the notification and accesses the package. With their specialized knowledge, the SME can quickly diagnose the issue, provide insights, and suggest solutions.
  4. Feedback and Resolution: The SME can then send feedback directly through MadWhack, allowing the user to implement the recommended changes or corrections swiftly. This process ensures that projects continue to move forward without significant delays.

Benefits of the SME Queue

1. Rapid Resolution of Issues

The SME Queue drastically reduces the time it takes to resolve issues. Instead of being stuck in a lengthy support process, users can get direct assistance from experts who understand the intricacies of the project. This leads to faster resolutions and minimizes downtime.

2. Enhanced Accuracy

By involving a Subject Matter Expert, the SME Queue ensures that any corrections or guidance provided are accurate and reliable. This enhances the overall quality of the project and reduces the risk of errors that could impact the final output.

3. Improved Collaboration

The SME Queue fosters a collaborative environment where users can leverage the expertise of their colleagues. This not only builds a stronger team dynamic but also promotes knowledge sharing and continuous improvement within the organization.

4. Streamlined Workflow

With the SME Queue, users can maintain a smooth and uninterrupted workflow. Knowing that expert assistance is just a few clicks away allows users to focus on their core tasks without getting bogged down by unexpected issues.


MadWhack’s SME Queue is a game-changer for any data extraction organization looking to enhance its processes. By providing a direct line to Subject Matter Experts, this feature ensures that questions and issues are addressed promptly and accurately, leading to more efficient workflows and higher quality outcomes. If you’re looking to optimize your document or data processing system, consider leveraging the power of the SME Queue in MadWhack to keep your projects on track and your team productive.

Discover more about MadWhack’s innovative features and how they can benefit your organization by visiting today.