What’s New


  • Added a Container viewport to the Batch Screen window
  • Batches can now be deleted from the SME Queue screen
  • Tasks can now be unfinished from the SME Queue screen
  • “My Settings” can now be accessed from within work tasks, allowing users in Queue to reach it
  • Added labels to MW Speed and Quality gauges
  • Added bug report link to File menu

PACE Admin

  • Import and Export profiles can now be cloned within Project Setup
  • Doc Types Can now be cloned within a project
  • Users can now Copy and Paste tokens from the available tokens list
  • Login screen will now remember your last selected database connection
  • Using a project template now copies all Doc Types, Indexing Fields, and Indexing Field Rules
  • Removed depreciated settings from Import Profiles
  • Grids are now searchable across the board
  • “Allow Checkout” warehouse option has been moved to the Task level
  • Added Extract and Update Extract Settings to Daemon Agent Manager
  • Users can now print multiple badges at once from the Person screen
  • Added Default Maximum Task Time to Default Settings
  • Added Bug Report Link settings to General Settings
  • Added Lookup Metric type for using dropdowns as metrics
  • Login permissions have been consolidated into one permission
  • Added ability to print multiple badges at one time
  • Added functionality for API connections
  • Non system metrics will now be properly recorded

PACE Production

  • Re-ordered some of the fields on the Warehouse Container Checkout Screen
  • Task field in Warehouse Checkout will now be disabled if there is only one task available for a project
  • Added Bug Report button to toolbar


Bug Fixes


  • Typing into a field with suggested data and pressing Enter will no longer clear the field
  • Documents can now be deleted from the Split Document screen as intended
  • Speed and Accuracy gauges are no longer resized independently
  • Pressing Enter between tasks should no longer throw an exception
  • Using Page Up and Page Down while in line Items no longer moves the line items scroll position
  • Using Ctrl+Enter in ePrep no longer moves the user to the bottom of the current document
  • Using Home and End while in the Line Item Editor now correctly updates the displayed tables
  • Users can no longer avoid acknowledging work instructions by clicking cancel
  • Fixed a rendering issue that caused it to appear like the wrong pages had been deleted
  • Dropdown fields that are filled via Match & Merge are now saving properly

PACE Admin

  • Added a check to user creation that will ensure two users do not have the same login name
  • Turn time for Projects has been capped at 23
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing metrics from being edited
  • Dragging tokens into fields within the Project Editor no longer inserts multiple tokens
  • Fixed a bug that prevented adding newly created indexing fields to Doc Types
  • Newly created Package Types will now appear on the list without the need for a reset
  • Repeatedly saving a user will no longer change their Hire Date
  • Users can now import Portal Users with a CSV when creating a new customer
  • Users can now set Maximum Minutes for Random Tasks
  • Fixed a bug that allowed work instructions to be created without setting an Approver
  • Fixed a bug that would reset Work Instructions approver to default after selecting a different person
  • Revenue will now properly update for Container and Batch tasks
  • Fixed a bug that prevented metrics from being added to workqueue

PACE Production

  • Changing your password is no longer a requirement for changing your user settings
  • Editing batch name within Shipment now properly updates batch name in all instances
  • Attempting to delete a location with assigned bins will now show an error message, rather than freezing up PACE
  • Inventory Report screen will now expand to fit selections properly, without cutting data off at the bottom
  • Printing barcodes will now properly create a second page, rather than cutting barcodes off from the bottom of the list
  • Metrics are properly recording for Random Tasks