PACE Release Notes Version 5.0.0

PACE Release Notes Version 5.0.0

What’s New Updated Project Dependencies .Net8 is now required for all PACE systems. That can be downloaded from here (Recordsforce users do not need to do anything with this) A standalone Daemon agent has been created to allow task automation MadWhack Users are now...
MadWhack General User Guide

MadWhack General User Guide

Before You Begin You will need the following A Customer created A Project Created MadWhack Tasks You will also need the following permission Login Logging in When you launch MadWhack you will be greeted with the login screen. On this screen you will enter your...
SME Queue User Guide

SME Queue User Guide

Sometimes users will have a question about a project, or something may be not quite right. In cases like this users can send a package to the SME queue to be looked at by a Subject Matter Expert. In this article we will go over sending things to SME and using the SME...
Creating A Project User Guide

Creating A Project User Guide

Projects are what drives your production, everything you do from creating batches to indexing in MadWhack will require an associated project. In this article we will walk through the project creation wizard. Before You Begin You will need the following A Customer...