Like many companies across the globe, Recordsforce was asked to keep as many of its workers out of the office as possible due to the COVID-19 outbreak. At the time, they sent about three out of every four employees home to work, where they are able to perform their jobs remotely. In this blog, we will discuss how Recordsforce was able to have remote workforce as a document scanning company during the pandemic due to the use of PACE.
With the majority of their staff working from home, you may be curious how they were able to track and manage the work that is being performed or see what the status of their customer’s jobs are. Part of Recordsforce’s company’s success is due to the fact that they focus heavily on front-end processing, where documents are coming to them through portals, emails and PO boxes that they pick up from. As a result, even with many companies shutting down their physical operations and switching over to remote workforces, the digital work is still flowing to them and the PO box is something they can manage with minimal risk. To manage their paper operations, they had a limited staff of paper operations team members performing prep and scan tasks, but all other staff members were offsite.
For most imaging companies, trying to manage a staff doing complex tasks remotely would be a challenge. Not for Recordsforce or the other PACE clients.
With PACE, a cloud-based production management system, they were able to continue to have complete visibility and control over what their staff was working on. Everyone also knows how quickly they are performing their tasks. They figured having data entry operators working remotely would slow down production. They didn’t know how much it would slow them down at scale and it was a concern for planning and meeting customer SLAs for delivery.
After the first day of having the full staff working remotely, they ran the PACE performance reports and analyzed the results. Recordsforce was able to predict exactly how much additional labor they would need to make up for the productivity losses caused by the latency of remotely working for their data entry operators. Thankfully, they didn’t lose much productivity because a lot of their work is already automated.
With PACE, the CEO can see exactly what his staff is working on, on an individual level, and how long they’ve been working on it. The time clock is built right into the system, so every hour of labor is still being tracked. When they perform the PACE billing reports, all of the metrics are already collected, making the accounting person’s job a breeze. Despite having the staff all working from home, the managers and the staff still feel completely in control of their jobs.
If your business needs to have visibility into what your staff is working on now that everyone is working out of sight, let us know! PACE has been helping companies be more efficient, better managed and creating better places to work for over 10 years!
If you’re interested in keeping up your PACE with your company working remotely, schedule a meeting!