Our Latest PACE News & Blog


Why We Created The Business Operating System, PACE

Why We Created The Business Operating System, PACE

Since 1991 in San Diego, CA, the CEO and founder of PACE has built a specialty in providing high quality document management services to FDA regulated companies. The FDA places a high value on manufacturing biomedical and pharmaceutical products in a controlled and...

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How To Create A Performance Based Company

How To Create A Performance Based Company

Is your company’s production able to maintain pace? How would you know if it wasn’t? In the complex game of business, the speed of your people translates to profit or loss for your company. How do you keep your employees focused on performance with all of the starts...

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The Evolution of Outsourced Document Management Services

The Evolution of Outsourced Document Management Services

The future will be different. It will be because of change that it is different. Those changes are called “unpredictable” and “unknowable”. That is why those who happen to get it right are so richly rewarded. They inspire names like “soothsayer” and “prophet”. They...

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Keeping Up Your PACE During a Pandemic: A Client Story

Keeping Up Your PACE During a Pandemic: A Client Story

Like many companies across the globe, Recordsforce was asked to keep as many of its workers out of the office as possible due to the COVID-19 outbreak. At the time, they sent about three out of every four employees home to work, where they are able to perform their...

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Objective Leadership & Knowing Your PACE

Objective Leadership & Knowing Your PACE

Have you ever worked at a company where promotions and raises were given based more on how well you got along with your manager than how well you performed your job? Unfortunately, we all probably have.  Favoritism, often in the form of nepotism, is one of the top...

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An Introduction to PACE: Business Operating Software

An Introduction to PACE: Business Operating Software

We believe everyone deserves the opportunity to do great work that they can enjoy. That is achieved by creating objective measures of accountability, organizational transparency, operator autonomy, automated process workflow and training in a gamified interface. This...

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Measuring Change with PACE

Measuring Change with PACE

One of the greatest mistakes that a business can make is assuming that they've reached the limits of success. Even the most profitable and specialized businesses in the world have areas where they can improve. For example, the greatest manufacturing companies may have...

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How PACE Pays for Itself – A Controller’s Perspective

How PACE Pays for Itself – A Controller’s Perspective

I’m Katja Becker, owner and co-founder of Recordsforce. I’ve been in the document management business with my husband, Bill, since his first start-up called FisheNet which was founded in 1996. I’m currently the Controller at Recordsforce, but have also held positions...

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